Wedding Party

Stephanie Gerbrandt
Stephanie Gerbrandt is Melissa’s sister and Maid of Honor. Steph has been there through thick and thin for Melissa and is always there with a smile, a hug, something fun to do or food on the table!

Angus Findlay
Angus Findlay is Michael’s best man. Angus is a stand up dude and a big part of our lives from Monday night get togethers, smoked meat recipes, camping in the mountains or bringing home airplane parts for Melissa to loath while they sit in our living room. Angus is always up for the adventure!

Alliston Findlay
Alliston is family. Whether it’s weekly monday night get togethers or dog walks in the park or camping in the mountains Alliston is always there with us for the adventure.

James Fowler
James and Michael have been getting into trouble for the better part of nearly two decades. Watch out for that sly grin. This is a man with a plan and he’s always got shenanigans up his sleeve!

Mary Fowler
Mary was originally a high school friend of Michael’s, but she has quickly become one of Melissa’s favorite people. Scary movies, Animal crossing and squish mallows are just some of the things shared by these two. Mary’s here to keep everyone in line!

Tim Christiansen
Tim is ever the introvert, but he and Michael have been playing video games together for more than 10 years. But don’t let the Pool playing movie loving Starcraft rocking attitude fool you. Tim insists he can out drink anyone on the dance floor.

Cassandra Gagne
You know when a work friend becomes a real life friend? That’s what happened here. Cassandra and Melissa bonded over a love for cooking (well mostly Cassandra cooking for her) and movies. Ok, they’ve also got True Crime and Science things!

Matthew Stants
Matthew is Michael’s middle brother. He’s crafty but quiet. Often found spending more time with his puppy and his projects than real people but that seems to be changing lately now that he’s found himself a new sweetheart.

Melissa Misutka
Melissa is one of the sweetest people we know. An avid ringette player and dog lover. The Melissas met at work and have been friends ever since!

Ben Stants
Ben is Michael’s youngest brother. You’ll find him next to the free food.. Or maybe hiding in the back playing video games on his phone. Just kidding. Ben’s always there when we need a hand and we’re lucky to have him in our family.

Jonathan Gerbrandt
Jonathan is Melissa’s nephew. We didn’t want a Flower Girl for our space themed wedding so you’ll find him taking on the role of Star Boy – Slinging glow in the dark stars around for us on our wedding day!

Logan Stants
Logan is Michael’s nephew. He has one of the most important roles. He’s the ring bearer. Just watch out ladies. This kids got dance moves!